Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Long Awaited

I made this little item months ago. In fact, I started it on Halloween night as a plumber plumbed potato peels out of my kitchen sink. It was a whimsy of an experiment that I hoped would turn into a prototype of sorts. But it was also a Christmas present intended for the baby of a reader, and thus never got mentioned. Now the gift has been received, safely delivered over vast oceans, in Australia, and the evidence is clear: The baby is cuter than the dress, but the dress is damn cute if I do say so myself.

As Maddie is now a mover and a shaker, it's hard to get a good view of the craftiness. Here are a few that I took before sending it. Here is the front:

And the back:

And a close up of some of my handstitching, just to prove I did some. You can tell I love this kid (and her mommy).


Anne-Marie said...

That is so incredibly cute! And the baby! Shes really grown up since the last time you posted any pics.

Id like to live in Australia, but im already 170 miles from my mum and thats already too far so its not going to happen anytime soon.

Maybe I should move to LA since almost everyone whose blog I read lives there. Its strange that I only just noticed that...

Anonymous said...

Anne-Marie: Move to Santa Monica. It's home to so many expat Brits, you'd swear you never left Old Blighty.