Thursday, November 13, 2008

Something Worth Showing

22 Weeks

Okay, let's hear it: Is it a boy bump or a girl bump? I guess you're supposed to be able to tell by the shape or height... beats me...

Of course, I'm not going to tell you if you are right or wrong, 'cause I'd have to know in order to do that... but lets take a tally and see what you think.

As of Sunday, maybe before, I should have a finished knitting project to show you as well. One that is definitely worth showing!


Andrew said...

For a second there I thought the picture was to show off your hair, which looks great! Did you do something different?

But then I was alerted to the baby bump aka Zuul. Which, for the tally, I believe Zuul will be a healthy baby boy. 7lbs, 12oz.

Free Range Chick said...

Are we guessing weight too!? I say a girl coming in at 7lb. 8oz.

And your hair is awesome. But yoiu already knew that.

Anne-Marie said...

Look at you!!! Eeeee exciting!

I am going to go with a boy bump too :)

Rebecca said...

oh gosh, i'd go with boy bump because it looks like you haven't gained an ounce of weight, and my LYSO says that with girls they make your whole body spread.

Sheryl aka: KNITIDIOT said...

You look amazing!!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing a boy; 9 lbs/8 oz; 22 inches long; lots of dark hair. How much to get into the pool? Closest to actual weight and length gets a prize....I like it.

Senora Fuerte said...

Those of you guessing lovely 7lb babies, thank you. Viejo, what did I ever do to you?! 8lbs 9oz?! You just want to see me cry, don't you? ;)

According to the ancient Chinese gender predictor on, I have a 90% chance of having a girl. Confucious say, "She who decorate based on computer application is one W short of a web."

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Senora...9 lbs/8 oz 22 inches that was Senor....but if Zuul is really Zuulita then I want 7 lbs/2 oz and 19 inches long in the pool.

Anonymous said...

I showed my mom your beautiful bump and she wants in on the "you're having a boy" action.

I'm putting in my vote for a lovely 7lb 2 oz, 21 in long. I also say 10 days early, if we're betting on that :)

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest pregnancy picture! I vote for a boy just because.