Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I actually had the focus to knit through an entire ball of yarn without switching to another project in between sessions... Wow!! I may finally have my project ADD under firm- This scarf will require one or two more balls of the same yarn, so after I finished the first ball last night and prepared the second, and then made some mistakes and frogged a bit and reknit some stuff, I put down the pink and started another of THE SAME SCARF but with some very cush expensive (for me, though these skeins had about 4 times the yardage as most yarns I buy, so maybe it wasn't so expensive after all) Cherry Tree Hill supermerino in Serengeti and Java... Of course, it was about 10pm when I cast that one on, and it is still too short to show off...

But here is the pink one. About 3 rows into the second ball.


Gregorio said...

You got me thinking about knitting. Maybe it'll take my mind off of the killer heat wave we have here.

As long as our power doesn't go out again, I'm sure I'd do fine. Well, I could knit by candlelight...

Senora Fuerte said...

You should totally knit!! I think you would like it.

PS. Thank you for bothering to continue reading this blog.