We knit it for the lace panels on the chest and shoulders. We knit and we knit and we knit for the privilege of getting to work that lace. Man, I hope it's worth it. Here's my progress on the front piece:
Are you impressed? Yeah, I didn't think so.
One thing about the yarn, Lara by Elann, weird gappy spots that happen for absolutely no apparent reason. I checked the back of this spot... there's nothing wrong here. So why does one row turn out all Hobbitty and the other all tall and V-of-Deathy?!
Man, the lace has a LOT to make up for.
One thing about the yarn, Lara by Elann, weird gappy spots that happen for absolutely no apparent reason. I checked the back of this spot... there's nothing wrong here. So why does one row turn out all Hobbitty and the other all tall and V-of-Deathy?!
Man, the lace has a LOT to make up for.
I think the front will absolutely make up for the back--maybe the yarn will block nicely & you won't have those areas that annoy you. Anyway, I think we're usually much more critical looking at our work close-up than anyone else is, so I bet this top comes out beautifully.
What is your dream job?
And how is the mindless knitting coming along? I made an entire crochet bolero this week but i forgot to take pictures :(
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