Tuesday, August 21, 2007

O Matrimony!

I missed a lot of the high points of the wedding, like the wedding itself. I guess I was actually watching it for a change. ;) Here are some photographs of the rest of the evening. The ceremony took place on the lovely dock (where Senor and I had our photo taken) in front of Shawn and Penelope's cottage and was performed by one of their friends. Senor was one of the groomsmen. The neighbors watched from a respectful distance on their boats and blew air horns at the end.

The bride designed and made her own dress, and while I do not have a full length photo of it (what was I thinking?!), it was absolutely beautiful! She let me make the hairpiece for her. I didn't get a great shot of that either... shoot! I really fell down on the job.

The mosquitoes were probably up my skirt biting my buns during this very photo. Seriously, I was the other buffet at this wedding.

I'll leave you with well-wishes from the flower girl.

Good wedding, People.
Happy Day.


Anonymous said...
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The A.D.D. Knitter said...

What completely cute couples!:)

amanda said...

Shawn looks extra skinny. Please tell him to eat a sandwich or some edamame.