Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What I'll wear...

This weekend, while I was busy recovering from one run and gearing up for another, I also made this camisole for myself sans pattern.

It's made of some unidentified shiny satiny material that I got at the fabric-by-the-pound store with plans of hemming the edges and making a big big handkercheif. But how much better is a cami?! I'm quite proud of it. It has its problems, like an uneven hem in the back and a warpy edge across the top of the front, but I did make it out of thin air using myself as my own dress form. I must have tried that thing on about 100 times.

I think this top is going to look rockin' on me about 5 pounds from now. ;)


Anonymous said...

Very Stylish Senora!! Have you seen the Cabo Halter Top by Amy Butler? You might like it as well.

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Sans pattern? Well aren't you a crafty gal!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nat! I love that you can make your own clothes.... I wish you'd learned during Uni time thou! Could have come in very handy for querky Venue looks! Hope you are well.... are you on Facebook yet??x

Barb said...

Gorgeous!! Love the color combination.