Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Given All of the Options, I Choose None

I forgot about a work in progress when I made my list of what to work on next...

... it a project that's been dragging on for over a year now, and it's got an obvious opportunity for a new deadline coming up. I missed the first obvious deadline on March 25, 2009 when Elliott was born and I had not yet completed it.

Now it is nearly a year later, and I still have not finished it... though I am getting devilishly close. Can it be done by his first birthday? I've got 22 days. What is it? I don't believe I've mentioned it on the blog before...

... so you'll have to wait and see...

Any guesses?


Senor Fuerte said...

I know what it is, but I'm bound by spousal privledge not to say. (Not to put to fine a point on it, but a bunny is involved.)

Free Range Chick said...

Senor F's clue about the bunny confirmed that my guess was right. I told you I stay away from those things.

amanda said...

Is Thumper getting a sweater?