Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Caption Contest

There's no prize, necessarily, but I'd love to see what you all think is going on in this photo. I love it, and while I was there and know what was going on, I just keep coming up with the thoughts of these two favorite critters, wondering what was REALLY going on.

Ready go.

(That's another shot of the hat I made. I didn't think I would like the Lion Brand Suede around the brim, but it does have a cool, chunky lacy feel to it.)


amanda said...

Sigh. Green is SO not my color. Why must I always be humiliated like this?

I like cupcakes.

And the small human takes no notice of me. My self-esteem is ruined.

And ponies. I like cupcakes and ponies.

I'll be in my trailer.

Anonymous said...

Jamie to Wombat...."You be Tinkerbell and I'll be Paris.

Anonymous said...

This is a very cool advertisement for hats. It should be in Vogue or C magazine.