... I made myself into a basketcase!! A few caveats:
In no way do I mean to denigrate any tooth-whitening system or to instill fear in any unbleached parties...
In no way do I mean to reflect badly on my dentist/father, who is away at jury duty today and unable to defend himself...
In no way do I intend to imply that a wedding (or beauty in general) is not worth suffering a little suffering...
I only mean to say, "STOP THE MADNESS!!!!"
I mean to say I have sensitive teeth. Not so sensitive as to unite me with the campy folks on Sensodyne toothpaste commercials. Unlike them, I can eat icecream, and do, without flinching. But the bleach, the bleach, the bleach has made my teeth throb and prickle...
I am reminded of one unfortunate incident in high school when my vanity led me to leave the bleach on ALL NIGHT. The next day I thought of the people who take power drills to their skulls to relieve unusual headaches, and I thought, "Not so strange after all!"
I left it on too long. Too long for me, anyway. An hour and a half the other night worked out fine... Two hours last night, and I am a mess!! Most people don't have this problem, which is important information for all of you who are unbleached... don't assume you will have this problem. You won't.
I do, though... Son of a...
I had been considering the bleach thing... now I may just brush my teeth harder and lay off the coffee. ;-)
No, Greg, seriously, this is a relatively unique reaction. If you want white teeth, you go for it!!!
I actually have the same problem, but I go ahead with teeth whitening products. The tears are worth it when my teeth are white.
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