This weekend, my brother and his maties threw a pirate party. I felt the pressure to do the sexy pirate wench thing, but I couldn't get it together (not to mention all the other girls at the party are about 6 years my junior and half my size). So I bucked the system and went as unsexy as possible. I went as the sleepy pirate who got woken up by the loud pirate party.
While many females believe that Halloween is for dressing like a hooker without getting paid for it, I have often taken the path less travelled and gone for Festively Ugly. I made the hats and eye patches for both myself and my pirate bear buddy. The jammies are from Marshall's. The slippers and gold earrings are from Rite Aid. The robe is actually my wool coat minus the belt. The beard is Smashbox eyeshadow (only the best!) in Smoke.
Senor went as the Dread Pirate Roberts from The Princess Bride.
The Dread Pirate Roberts is coming for your SOOOOUUUUULLLLLS!!!
We bought him gloves, but forgot all about them. I made the head covering and sash.
And since the sewing machine was out, I began crafting. One of my projects I can't show yet, as I'd like it to be a surprise for a certain British contest winner...
The second, is a bottle gift bag. I taught myself to make button holes on the machine for the ribbon to thread through.
And the last project, though not quite finished is a Christmas inspired baby quilt. Why a baby quilt you ask? No reason, except that they don't take as long as grown-up quilts. Gotta work up the stamina, you see...
When it will get finished is completely up for grabs, as I have now put the sewing machine away...
You make very cool pirates! I think Morven makes a good pirate, especially with his Jolly Roger sweater that I crocheted for him.
I had my sewing machine out this weekend too. Except it was to start re-upholstering the car, and the machine didnt like the fake leather, and the car looks a bloody mess lol.
Festively ugly? You are so damn funny!
Anne-Marie: maybe it's because you have a Lucas sewing machine.
Robyn shares your view on slutty Halloween costumes. I think she's even pleased that she has to work Godiva on Halloween night (and that they sent a memo stating NO COSTUMES THIS YEAR).
I'm dressing up as Groucho Marx... stay tuned!
a pirate party and a bottle gift bag? sounds like a hoot. love the fabric you chose for the gift bag. i really need to learn to use my buttonhole maker on my sewing machine!
I dressed as a stagehand yesterday, and I don't think I've ever been more comfy at work.
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