Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A little stretch

The squares march on.
However, the fingers and mind needed a little stretch.
I have started a swingy little jacket for Maddie, who just turned one and to whom I owe a present.
The brilliant thing about having a friends in Australia is that just when it looks like wool will never be appropriate in Southern California again, there is a little family of knit-needers heading into the long Aussie winter.
Photos and details to come.

A small big project.

To take a little break from a big small project.


Anonymous said...

Yes, we are definitely knit-needy way down here. It's COLD here in July!!

It's so backwards, I know. It's just not natural! I think this is where the "Christmas in July Sale" thing must have started :-)

Free Range Chick said...

I can't believe Maddie is one year already.

She is the so due for a new knitted wardrobe.