Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I sewed in the ends of these little cuties in bed last night. The conversation at 11:00 pm went something like this:


SRA: (looking at unfinished hats on floor) Hey, Senor, when is the baby shower for your co-worker again?

SR: Tomorrow.

SRA: The hats aren't finished.

SR: Oh.


(Aren't we exciting people?) I don't know, it was something like that. So I got all ready for bed, climbed in with my tapestry needle, my scissors, my nightly glass of water, and turned on High Fidelity. Our bedroom t.v. is virtually never on, as it has no channels and only plays VHS tapes. Also, I don't generally go in for t.v. in bed. Ruins the quiet and calm and sweetness of bed time... but when furiously finishing a project to meet a deadline, I make exceptions. (I also make exceptions for illness, lazy Sundays, and really hot days when the bedroom is the coolest room in the house).

I think they turned out very cute and uniform considering I used three different size needles, three different gauge yarns and two different fibers.

PINK: Cascade 220 in some hot pink color. Size 5 dpns. CO 44 sts.

WHITE: Misti Baby Alpaca Worsted in some off-white color. Size 3 dpns. CO 64 sts.

BLUE: Misti Baby Alpaca DK in some blueish purple color (Odessa leftovers). Size 2 dpns. CO 72 sts.

Two boys and a girl. One boy won't mind wearing white, right? We weren't sure about the boy to girl ratio when I cast on, so...


Last night we had a good old fashioned evening complete with knitting, guitar playing, and singing of Beatles songs.

Did you ever notice how "Beat" is in the word Beatles? Like the beat of the music or beatniks? That was on purpose. Did you ever feel real dumb for not figuring something like this out until you were 29 years old? Of course, you may have just found out by reading this... in which case, I am not alone. "As in, I wonder what happened to the Oneders?" That's right.

And did you ever feel real dumb when you realize you're actually 28, not 29 years old? Oh yeah.

Or how about when you just discover that your husband plays guitar after knowing him for over five years... He's no Clapton, but he knows stuff. And I know nothing, apparently.

And then there's the matter of not actually knowing all the lyrics to the entire Beatles catalog the way you thought you did... I actually heard some songs last night I've NEVER heard. Have the Beatles been writing new songs lately? They must be, because I knot ALL the old ones. Really. I do.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Is It Mine?

In the Yarn Harlot's recent post about her trip to NY for the Represent Tour (which you should go read if you are at all sentimental about knitting... or socks... or John Lennon, even), there is a photo of the hats collected by Knitty City in NY... which is where I sent my hat... and LOOK IN THE CIRCLE!!!

It appears to be MY FREAKIN' HAT!!! I can't tell you how unreasonably excited I am to have one of my projects appearing on the Yarn Harlot's website, and in a photo with the traveling sock, no less. I'm overwhelmed with pride.

... If it is, in fact, my hat.

It does look like it, right?

Well, whatever, I'm saying it's mine. And I'm famous.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Links, Homies!!! See 'em?!!

Why did I wait so long?! This is the most fun thing EVER!!!!

One Photo, Dead Camera

As you can see, I am now finished with the right front panel of the Pea Pod jacket. I would have been farther along, but I missed the part where it said "you don't have to knit all the way across anymore, you idiot, stop for the armhole" and knit over an inch and a half past where I ought to have stopped. I had to frog back an hour of work, and then I had the unpleasant task of picking up all the loose stitches (one of my least favorite jobs, that and tearing lettuce for salads), and then I could climb on up the lace lapel to the shoulder. That felt GGGRRRRRREAT!

Next will be a couple of inches of stockinette on the back stitches and then the little narrow left lapel (it's asymmetrical), and then my first ever sleeves! Does anyone like knitting sleeves? Seems like I've read a lot of unhappy blogs about getting stuck on the sleeves... Maybe I'm just imagining. Should I be afraid?

I'm not at the moment. Should you lie to me then? Oh, yeah, Senora, sleeves are the BEST!!!

"We shall see. Oh yes, we shall see..." (Thank you, Gollum.)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Saved for a Rainy Day

My Senor and I enjoyed this romantic moment after work one night last week. It was as lovely as it looks, trust me. There were two glasses for wine, but the other was inconveniently placed out of this conveniently arranged photo. See Senor's toes in the bottom right corner?
Not much knitting to show, so I thought I'd show one of the other good things going on in my life.
"Things are looking up.
And no more will I be the mourner
For I've finally turned a corner
Oh things are looking up
Since love looked up at me."

Monday, March 19, 2007

What did YOU drink this weekend?

I might have had a few too many of something that looked like this...

And the next day I might have looked a little too much like this...

But I did some knitting that looked like these:

This is my "Represent Hat" for the Yarn Harlot's tour (sent out today-- is my nose getting larger?!) and my next square for Lone Knitter's blanket drive. Must get myself entered into the March drawing... and also, there is a new case of cancer in my life. It's no one you know, I promise, but I knit the red square with this person in my heart and wish them the best.

Also, Jaywalker 3.1 is coming along slowly, and the body of the Pea Pod Baby Jacket is zooming along... but I forgot to photograph it. Zoot!! Maybe tomorrow.

Happy St. Hangover's Day!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Just a wee note. I wore Jaywalker 2.0 to work today. They didn't fall down. Yay!

Another Eagle has Landed

Yay!! Grandma Purl got her blanket!!!! She looks so happy, you must go check out Aunt Purl's story of the arrival of "The Blanket of Awesomeness".

Man, this is a nice way to start out the day!

Now I will go finish off the morning goodness with a cup of coffee... all this before 8:15 am. This could be one of those nice days. Aren't they nice!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spring is Busting Out All Over!!

Look at the leaves!!! I am the tree master!!!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

I'm in a groove.

Jaywalker 3.1

I've gone back to Lorna's Laces (I think. This was prize yarn from Brynne at "All This By Hand"), and back to size 1 needles. Pair #2 was knit on size 2 needles with slightly heftier yarn and turned out a bit too big.

For 3.1 I went back to the needles and yarn that I used for my mom's socks (too small for me), but they are knit in the slightly bigger size per the pattern on Magknits. These are a bit easier to get on and off so far, and I LOVE the colorway... very springy, which is apropos because we are having a heat wave here in So. Cal. Some places are in the 90s. Combine that with early daylight savings time and I am all confused!! Is it summer already? I am not prepared for bathing suit weather...

(Though you should know I am very proud to have made it through an entire summer last year without putting on a bathing suit... Not a fan!)

The Eagle Has Landed

Here's my super secret knitting project for little Maddie. This is on my front lawn:

And this is deep down in Australia on the little bundle.

It's a bit big on her at the moment, but that's much better than too small. How cute is she?! Here's another one, just for gratuitous cuteness!!!

(Man, I gotta get me some Pooh knickers!!)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Fabulous, The Completed, The Nearly Flawless...

Jaywalker 2.0!!

Yarn: Fly Supersport (I think? Got it at a fiber fair)
Size 2 Takumi dpns

They're a little big around the ankles, and they could fit feet quite a bit bigger than mine. But whose? Senor says they're a little too pink for him... In the 90s, real men wore pink. In the 80s, all men wore pink. In the 21st century... no dice. Oh well.

So for now, I'm planning to keep them for t.v. watching and Saturday mornings...

With the leftover yarn marble, I am making another square for my sock yarn afghan. The squares are made from Stitch Marker Larissa's pattern... If I knit enough socks, I'll have enough leftovers eventually to have a whole blanket... and no bits of this and that hanging around (except for a few yards for future repairs).

(And no, I'm not wearing tights with my jaywalkers in that photo. You wish they all could be California girls, huh? Some of us don't represent as well in person as we do in song.)

Monday, March 05, 2007

Knitting News!

Oh yeah, a few things that I left out...

I WON HEAD GAMES!!! Head Games was a knitting elimination game a la Sock Wars... it began January 10th; I knit 1 hat and the majority of a second... and then I waited and waited, and nothing happened... and then I was announced the winner?! How cool is that?! I do wonder if I will ever get a hat of my own from someone, though. I knit 2 for others, where is my free hat? But still, I WON!!

AND Grandmother Purl's blanket is finished! It took a while, but now is as good as ever. Here's a photo of the completed blanket. How pretty!

That's my square at the top left corner of the photo album. Glad to see this finished, and I can't wait to see Grandmother Purl's happy face when it arrives. I'll be watching Crazy Aunt Purl's blog closely... like I always do.

Oh man, I can't wait to show you Maddison's present. Okay. Here's the deal. I'm going to go post it on the Stashalong blog. Ashley, DO NOT go check it out... I'm trusting you. Everyone else... GO SEE GO SEE!!!

My Weekend Accomplishments

(Doesn't that sound like the beginning of a 3rd grade speech? I imagine this is what might follow...)

"This weekend, I did alot of stuff. I made a quilt.

It has green and white checked flannel on the back.

I think it is soft. Also, I worked a long time on Jaywalker 2.2. I got to the end of a ball of yarn on my husband's brown sweater. And I even made a secret project for baby Maddison. She is really really really really really really cute and small. The end."

I'd get an E for "Excellent". Don't you think?