Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It Has a Certain Ring to It.

Twenty-Nine Years Old.
Twenty-Nine, walkin' the line.
Twenty-Nine, feelin' fine.
Twenty-Nine, drinkin' wine... not this second, but I bet I had you fooled for a minute.

I think 29 is gonna be a BIG YEAR!! As my brother and I used to say when we were kids, A Biggy Biggy Good One.

In honor of the big 2-9, and of this my 200th post, let's have a contest. Yarnies, you shall be entered to win 3 skeins of Cascade 220 in Pistachio, the lovely mossy green that I am using for my Ariann sweater (I ordered too much). Non-knitters, you'll have to wait to find out what you might win because, though I hadn't thought of it as such, the prize I was going to offer is not quite legal. Stupid pirates taking all the fun out of life...

Now, the contest... something everyone can play... Leave me a comment telling me which was your favorite age and why. Senor will draw your name out of a hat to determine the winner.

The deadline is this Friday, October 19th, at high noon! Ready-set-go!


Anne-Marie said...

My favourite age was 19, because my only responsibility was to work enough hours to cover buying gas. That was also the year I started taking Jewellery Design seriously, I sold all my work to a gallery, I left home and it was so great because I was living 'the life' and I was completely unaware that I was about to get myself into stupid debt that was gonna take me 5+ years to pay off.

Senora Fuerte said...

You've all dated pirates, haven't you? You never thought of it that way either, did you...

Rebecca said...

oh happy birthday. hope you have a great year. i honestly have no idea what age was best. have to say 36. i turned that in august, and the past two months haven't been too bad.

Free Range Chick said...

I'd have to say when I was 23. I was at my physical peak, working out at the gym all the time, so I was super hot. I had all my debt paid off and tons of dollars in the savings account. I was also happy with my job back then. Everything in my apartment matched, too!!! Those were the days. Of course, we are still so young.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Favorite age is a hard one! Each one has been interesting in its own right :) I suppose I could say 28 because life changed ultra dramatically that year, for the better :)

Truthfully though I'm looking forward to 50. My mom and her friends have so much energy, are travelling like maniacs, and seem to not have a care in the world! I can't wait to get there :)

Anonymous said...

Ugh, anonymous was me! I accidently hit the enter button too soon. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, again! I loved 25, when I had my first baby. I have seriously good feelings about 29, though. It's going to be a good year.

Vanessa said...

I really enjoyed my 12-15 yr old stage. I was learning a lot about myself, who my father was and my mother - really getting to know them and I enjoyed the fun of exploring life and the world at that age. Miss it!
Vanessa in Upstate NY

Gregorio said...

I've never dated a pirate...

29 is a good year. Enjoy! Have Fun! Appreciate the "2"... trust me. ;-)

amanda said...

22 was best for me: I got out of a bad relationship and into a fun one (not a permanent one, mind you, but it was lots of fun while it lasted), I won a pageant and went to Miss Arkansas, graduated from college, and generally had a blast the whole year.

28 was also a good year for me - there was much happiness in the family after a big sadness and my career opened up in front of me.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sassypants - 29 is going to be great!!!

Anonymous said...

Would it be weird to say I'm looking forward to turning 30 next year?? 29 has been pretty great so far, but next year I get my Master's degree just in time to turn the BIG ONE. Add to that Adam, having Maddison, my mom and my friendship with you... and life couldn't be more full. Who would have thunk it?? :-)


Anonymous said...

I suppose you can't win if you are related to the judge. Anyway...I have two favorite years, when I was 32 and when I was 35. I became a dad in each of those years. There have been spectacular years and great years, but those two were the best.

Rosina said...

The best age for me (so far) was 21. At that time I finished my student teaching, which was a great experience, but had taken me all the way to my limit. And during that year the love of my life asked me to marry him :) Life has been really good since then, but the sheer intensity of that year stands out.