Monday, October 15, 2007

Your Patience Has Been Appreciated

Knitties!! Weeeeeee!

First and foremost in my heart at the moment is the Best Friend Purse from Knitty, a sudden and compulsive cast on from this weekend. I bought some brilliant white silk yarn on Saturday, and I was defenseless. You can't really tell in this photo, but it is totally lustrous. Lovely!

And since I had the cable needle out, I did a little of this:
A baby hat, 'cause they're quick, and if your personal design skills just don't work out, the frogging doesn't hurt as much. Fortunately, I think this one worked alright.

I started this over the summer, but I thought I ought to dig it back out and at least let is sit around guilt tripping me.

Now that the Classic "Cashmere" Sweater is complete, I need some car knitting. The pink neckerchief will do nicely thank you.

And may I just say that, while getting older is kinda for the birds, birthdays are freakin' sweet! For those that have already made my birthday bright, thank you. And for those who are yet to do so (it's not until tomorrow), you rock too!

And wait until I show you the Handmaiden yarn my mom and dad gave me, woohooo!!


The A.D.D. Knitter said...

So much cuteness!

Anne-Marie said...

Happy Birthday for tomorrow! No one ever gets me yarn for special occasions. Which is just not fair!

Thanks for your well wishes for Carrot. I just heard she is doing well and I'm going to go get her in a couple of minutes