Friday, November 17, 2006

Mail Call !!!!

I just won my first blog contest!!! I correctly guessed the gender of a blogger's baby, and then my name got chosen out of the "Hat"! I'm going to be getting some yarn in the mail, from a stranger, how cool is that?! And what's more, I got my blog name on another blog-- it's such an amazing feeling to know that this blog is now exposed to all you other lovely knitters (no offense to my non-knitting friends and relatives who read me, of course. Remember, you all get the benefit of actually knowing me ;)

Thanks, Brynne, and congratulations!!

Through the euphoria, though, I find that I do have a weird sense of guilt that I won, and now no one else will be getting a secret bundle of yarny goodness in your mailbox... Is this Yarn Survivor's Guilt? I guess it's a good thing I got killed in Sock Wars, 'cause if I can feel this way about taking yarn from you all, imagine how I'd feel if the rest of the Sock Warriors were dead and it were just me left...

It would be nice if we could all be yarn winners, wouldn't it? I am genuinely half-sorry that we can't... So I will have to pay my joy forward, now, I think... I am setting my mind to coming up with a fun contest for you all...

... but I'll have to get back to you, 'cause I need to now go do a little victory dance!

(Knitting comment due on Monday. New Odessa. Felted Fortune Cookie. Christmas Gift hat... lookin' at you, Amanda!)


Shar said...

Congrats on your win.

Gregorio said...

We're so happy... we do the Dance of Joy!

... oh Perfect Strangers...

amanda said...

Wait, what? I saw my name...