Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Is It Mine?

In the Yarn Harlot's recent post about her trip to NY for the Represent Tour (which you should go read if you are at all sentimental about knitting... or socks... or John Lennon, even), there is a photo of the hats collected by Knitty City in NY... which is where I sent my hat... and LOOK IN THE CIRCLE!!!

It appears to be MY FREAKIN' HAT!!! I can't tell you how unreasonably excited I am to have one of my projects appearing on the Yarn Harlot's website, and in a photo with the traveling sock, no less. I'm overwhelmed with pride.

... If it is, in fact, my hat.

It does look like it, right?

Well, whatever, I'm saying it's mine. And I'm famous.

1 comment:

Anne-Marie said...

lol. Thats a great claim to fame :)