Monday, July 23, 2007

Mommy, I made a short film!!

Go see My Husband Is So Hot on YouTube. Senor and I wrote this short film last year, and it has finally made its internet debut! Please check it out and spread the word. I'm very proud of our work and of the good work of our friends and associates. Mostly, I'm just excited to finally see it!!!!

(You may wonder why I am not in it... but I am, I'm the boobs in the red shirt.)

Note Added 7/25: I took the part as the boobs because they were filming on a day that I had to teach dance, and that was the only part short enough that they could shoot it before I had to get to class. And, well, the fact of the matter is that I am the most voluptuous of the girls in our company... Never thought I'd grow up to say that under any circumstances, much less in film-making circumstances.


Anne-Marie said...

I forgot to keep checking these out. I have about 10 to watch. They are pretty funny!

Gregorio said...

LOVED IT! as did Robyn and Mark. We got a huge kick out of it.

Free Range Chick said...

I can't believe you took a part that you have to be refered to as "the boobs in the red shirt."

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Right on--the boobs in the red shirt totally make it!;)

Lone Knitter said...

Can't wait to watch the film. You won a prize in my raffle. I'll mail it out this week or the next. Congrats!

Free Range Chick said...

okay, I finally got to watch it. At least they gave you credit as "woman in red blouse." As I was watching it, I realized that it is the episode that you and Patrick wrote. Good job, I think that it is hilarious. And you were the location manager!!!