Thursday, November 30, 2006

I SEW haven't quit knitting!

But I have been sewing a bit more than usual (it's just so quick!)... Last night I took some photos of the Cabin Kitsch pillow, or Girly Pillow as I have dubbed it. Here is the front, photo taken without a flash, which makes it a bit fuzzy, but captures the warmth of it better:

Here are some close ups of the ladies:

And below is the back, in case you have to be a little more... ummm, prim, you can just flip it around and hide it from disapproving guests:

The beauty of that fabric with the girls on it is this: There are 3 or 4 other great girls to choose from. Expect more Girly Pillows in the near future.


And for the kids, I whipped up a little something different. I am considering this a prototype due to some unfortunate stretching and warping of the pinstriped material, which much to my frustration was just a little stretchier than the white. I still like it though... And I will make others.

Changes that need to be made, in addition to avoiding stretch at ALL costs are as follows:

1. Shallower crayon pockets. I had to run a seam across the pocket panel halfway down because I know that little fingers wouldn't be able to find a crayon once it had gone down in. Mothers, I've got your interest at heart; I know you don't want to be digging crayons out of your kids apron pockets all day.

2. More colorful! This one looks like a crayon apron for a mental ward or something. Boring.

3. Number of crayon slots should match the number of crayons that come in the standard crayon box. Anyone found a box of 9 crayons out there? I also could make some for the boxes with more colors, like the 24 box for the sophisticated child artist.

1 comment:

amanda said...

I am so into this pillow.