Sunday, March 15, 2009

I got Nuthin.

Sorry I slacked.

There's no baby yet.

Anyone else going absolutely INSANE?!


amanda said...

YES! I am FREAKING OUT! Every time my phone rang today, I just KNEW it was Senor...

word verification: Phless. Maybe a middle name?

Anonymous said...

I absolutely thought you were in the hospital... I even dreamt that you had given birth :)


Gregorio said...

During the birthday dinner last night, that is all we were talking about.

Everyone was demanding I call and check up on you!

New York is freaking out w/ you!

Anonymous said...

This is Zuul's way of teaching you and Senor, even while still in utero, about who is running the family now.

I'm pretty sure the next 18 years are all about trying to regain control...