Tuesday, January 02, 2007

In My Long Absence

A lot of work was done!!

Voila! The newest finished objects:

The Chevron scarf from Joelle Hoverson's Last Minute Knitted Gifts. More like Last Minute of 2006 Knitted Gifts. I've been working on this one for ages. I finally decided that it was okay not to get to the end of the ball. It is Cherry Tree Hill Supersock in Seregenti. I didn't do two alternating colors as suggested in the book. Just the one lovely colorway. Here is a close-up.

And then there is my new love:

I have scarcely taken it off since it was completed. I'm sure Senor Fuerte is OVER IT but I am not yet. In fact, I want one in every color!! Too bad I resolved not to buy yarn in January. Booooo... I wonder if Patons Classic counts... it's not expensive, right? I guess it really does count. Oh well.

I did learn a very important lesson from this knit: When buying yarn for no particular reason, BUY ENOUGH TO MAKE SOMETHING AT LEAST THIS BIG!!! I have been rooting through my stash looking for something else to use for this patter or a subtle variation. No such thing. 'Cause I only buy one ball usually. I have two balls of Cascade 220 (which I used to knit this lovely) in an awesome mustardy yellow (I think it's technically called Straw), but I only bought two balls, and this capelet used up 2+ balls... Grrrrr... So, from now on, at least how many yards of a particular yarn? 500 yards? 600 yards? Then at least I can make some kind of wrap or something instead of just hats and little things.

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