Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Presenting: The Evidence

Another Square for the Square-Along... This is the 3rd. One has been sent, but has not yet arrived chez Stitch Marker. One is not yet blocked, and this one, obviously, is not yet completed. My goal: To finish knitting this square, block it along with #2 and send them overnight tomorrow to arrive on the deadline. Can she do it? We have the tools.

Finally a photo of Claudia's scarf. It is knit in Schaeffer Yarns "Elaine" in the Pearl Buck colorway. Lovin' it!! You can't tell in this photo, because I am clever, that the ends are not yet woven in. I am doing that today and sending this out on my lunch break. Fortunately it stays cold in Arizona forEVER!! She'll still get plenty of wear out of it... if she likes it, that is.

DO NOT BE ALARMED! I will not wear my new Calorimetry headband with this matching capelet... that is too Too and I won't do it. I only put it on long enough to photograph it. (Can you tell I need to pluck my eyebrows? The shadow in the middle will soon form a unibrow the way trees make tunnels over a narrow road. Not okay.) I do like it a lot, though. I am going to make another narrower one that I can wear indoors. This one looks a bit like a hat on me because I have no ponytail to show out the back.

This is what a baby with a sick Papa looks like. The same as a baby with a healthy Papa... It's good to be a baby. She loved her new hat and had no idea why her extended family was gathered in the absence of a Christmas Tree or a wedding dress. She just had more people to perform for. She was a ray of light on a very grey day.
My uncle was doing better yesterday than Sunday, but worse than Saturday. I haven't heard about today. So on with the daily routine. There is always time for what's coming, good or bad, when it comes.

1 comment:

Peach said...

Do you do any loom knitting or is it all needles?
I like the square...haven't been brave enough to try something requiring more than two needles